Arab-Angol szótár »

مَات angolul

مَات m

checkmatesaid when making the conclusive move in chess

مَات التِّلْمِيذ

fool's matequickest possible checkmate

مَات الْمُبْتَدَأ

fool's matequickest possible checkmate

مَاتَ جَوْعًا

starveto die because of lack of food



مَاتُو غْرُوسُو دُو سُولْ

Mato Grosso do Sulstate in south-western Brazil

مَاتْرْيُوشْكَا f

Russian dollwooden doll



مَاتْسُومُوتُو m


مَاتْسُوي m

Matsuea city of Japan

مَاتْسُويَامَا f

Matsuyamaa city of Japan

مَاتْشَا f

matchapowdered green tea for ceremonies

أَلْمَاتِي f


أَمَاتِيرَاسُو f

AmaterasuJapanese sun goddess

الْكَلِمَات آخِرَة f

last wordsfinal remarks uttered by a person before death

اِئْتِلَاف نَغَمَات m

chordcombination of three or more notes

بْرَاغْمَاتِيّ m


تَاكَامَاتْسُو m

Takamatsua city in Japan

تِقْنِيَّة اَلْمَعْلُومَات f

information technologythe practice of creating and/or studying computer systems and applications

تِكْنُولُوجِيَا اَلْمَعْلُومَات f

information technologythe practice of creating and/or studying computer systems and applications

حَرْب مَعْلُومَات f

information warfareuse of information in pursuit of an advantage over an opponent

دُوغْمَاتِيّة f

dogmatismarrogance in stating opinion

سْتْرُومَاتُولِيت f

stromatoliterock-like structure built by microorganisms

شَاه مَات

checkmateconclusive victory in a game of chess

شَاهْ مَات m

checkmatesaid when making the conclusive move in chess

شَمَاتَة f

gleeJoy; merriment; mirth; gayety; particularly, the mirth enjoyed at a feast

gloatingact of one who gloats

schadenfreudemalicious enjoyment derived from observing someone else's misfortune

عَلَامَات اِقْتِبَاس f-p

quotation marksNote: ''These languages use “◌”-style marks or other styles as indicated.'' Some are singular and some plural.

فَصْلُ الْاِهْتِمَامَاتْ m

separation of concernsprogramming: separating a computer program into distinct features

كَلِمَات f-p

lyricsthe words to a song

كَلِمَات أُغْنِيَة

lyricsthe words to a song

كَلِمَات مُتَقَاطِعَة

crosswordword puzzle

لَوْحَةُ التَّعْلِيمَات f

dashboardupturned screen of wood

لُعْبَة اَلْكَلِمَات f

punjoke or type of wordplay

لُقَيْمَات p

lokmafried dough pastry

مَعْلُومَات f-p

informationcommunicable knowledge

intelligenceinformation about the enemy

مَعْلُومَات مُضَلِّلَة f-p

disinformationintentionally false information

مَعْلُومَاتِيّ m

informationalgiving, related to information