Arab-Angol szótár »

كُو angolul

الْهُولُوكُوسْت m

Holocaustthe mass murder of six million Jews by Nazi Germany

اَلْكُومُنْوِلْث اَلْأُسْتْرَالِيَّا m

Commonwealth of Australiaid=Q408|formal and full name of Australia

اَلْكُومِنْتَرْن m

Cominterninternational association of Communist parties

اَلْكُونْغُو m

Congoid=Q974|country with Kinshasa as capital

اَلْكْلَاسِيكُو m

El Clásicoany match between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid

بَائُو دِي أَكُوكَار m

Sugarloaf Mountainrocky peak in Rio de Janeiro

بَاشْكُورْتُوسْتَان m

Bashkortostanfederal subject of Russia

بَاكُو f

Bakuthe capital city of Azerbaijan

بَاكُون m

baconcut of meat

بَامَاكُو f

Bamakocapital of Mali

بَانَّاكُوتَّا f

panna cottaItalian dessert made from double cream

بَانْكُوك f

Bangkokthe capital of Thailand

بَحْر كُورَال m

Coral Seapart of the Pacific Ocean



بَيْكُون m

baconcut of meat

بَيْكُونُور m

Baikonurcity and cosmodrome in Kazakhstan

بُحَيْرَة كُوْنْسْتْاَنْس f

Lake Constancelake on the Rhein located at the intersection of Germany, Switzerland and Austria

بُكُور m

sunrisetime of day

بُكُورِيّة f


بُوبْ كُورِيّ m

K-popKorean pop music

بُورْتُو رِيكُو f

Puerto RicoCaribbean Commonwealth

بُورْتُورِيكُو f

Puerto RicoCaribbean Commonwealth



بْرُكُولِي m

broccoliplant ''Brassica oleracea'' var. ''italica''

بْرُوتُوكُول m


بْرُوتُوكُول اَلْإِنْتِرْنِت

Internet Protocolone of the computer networking protocols

بْسْكُوف m

Pskova city in Russia


taikonautChinese astronaut

تَايْكُونْدُو m

taekwondoa martial art


TurkuA city in Finland

تُوكُوشِيمَا f

TokushimaTokushima, Japan

تِلِسْكُوب m

telescopeoptical instrument that magnifies

تِيرْبْسِيكُورِي f

TerpsichoreGreek mythology: one of the nine muses

تْسُوكُويُومِي m

TsukuyomiJapanese moon god



تْشُوكُوتْكَا f

Chukotkashort for Chukchi Peninsula|Chukchi Peninsula

Chukotkashort for Chukchi Peninsula|Chukchi Peninsula

Chukotkashort for Chukotka Autonomous Okrug|Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

Chukotkashort for Chukotka Autonomous Okrug|Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

تْشِيسْكُو f

Czechiaid=Q213|country in Europe