Arab-Angol szótár »

رِيح angolul

رِيح شَلُوق f


رِيح شَمْسِيَّة f

solar windoutflow of charged particles from the solar corona into space

رِيح نَجْمِيَّة f

stellar windequivalent of solar wind

رِيحة f


رِيحَة f

odorany smell, whether fragrant or offensive; scent; perfume

أَرِيحَا f


تَسْرِيحَة f

hairstylethe style in which someone's hair has been cut and arranged

تَشْرِيح m

anatomyart of studying the different parts of any organized body

autopsya dissection performed on a cadaver

تَصْرِيح m


statementdeclaration or remark

تَفْرِيح m

entertainmentactivity designed to give pleasure or relaxation


straightforwardnot deviating; forthright; frank; sincere

ضَرِيح m

graveexcavation for burial

mausoleumlarge tomb

shrinea holy place dedicated to a specific figure of respect

tombsmall building or vault for the remains of the dead

غَيْر مُرِيح

uncomfortablenot comfortable

قَرِيحَة f

gifttalent or natural ability


comfortableamply sufficient

comfortableproviding physical comfort and ease