Arab-Angol szótár »

ذُو angolul

ذُو m

possessorOne who possesses

ذُو إِحْسَاس m

sensitivehaving the faculty of sensation; pertaining to the senses

ذُو الْحِجَّة m

Dhu'l-Hijjatwelfth month of the Islamic calendar

ذُو الْقَرْنَيْن m


ذُو الْقَعْدَة m

Dhu'l-Qa'daeleventh month of the Islamic calendar

ذُو خَمْسَةِ أَصَابِعَ m

chaste treeshrub

ذُو مَقَام

prestigiousof high prestige

ذُو وَجْهَيْن

two-facedDeceitful, duplicitous

two-facedhaving two faces or plane surfaces


ذُو وَشْمٍ

tattooedhaving one or more tattoos

الْقِطّ ذُو الْحِذَاء

Puss in Bootsfairy tale

جَمَل ذُو سَنَامَيْن m

Bactrian camel''Camelus bactrianus''

جُذُور m-p

rootarithmetic: number or expression which when raised to a power gives the specified number or expression

rootof a tooth

سَلَّة الْمَحْذُوفَات f

recycle bin(computing) in Microsoft Windows, a storage location for deleted files

سَيْفٌ ذُو حَدَّيْن m

rapierslender straight sharply pointed sword

سَيْفٌ ذُو حَدَّيْنِ m

double-edged swordidiomatic

شُذُوذ m

anomalydated: an irregularity or inconsistency

anomalydeviation from norm

anomalysomething or someone that is strange or unusual

كَذُوب m

liarone who tells lies

كَذُوبَة f

liarone who tells lies

كُرْسِيّ ذُو ذِرَاعَيْن m

armchaira chair with supports for the arms or elbows


Lampedusathe largest of the Pelagie Islands


fairadequate, reasonable, decent


leprousinfected with one of the diseases known as leprosy

مَشْهَد مَحْذُوف m

deleted scene



مُنْطَاد ذُو مُحَرِّك


نِمْر ذُو صَابِر أَسْنَان m

sabre-toothed tigerprehistoric cat