Arab-Angol szótár »

اِلْتِهَاب angolul

اِلْتِهَاب m

inflammationmedical condition

اِلْتِهَاب التَّأْمُور m

pericarditisinflammation of the pericardium, the membrane that surrounds the heart

اِلْتِهَاب اللِّفَافَة الْأَخْمَصِيَّة

plantar fasciitispainful inflammation of the plantar fascia

اِلْتِهَاب الْمَفَاصِل m

arthritisinflammation of a joint

اِلْتِهَاب جِرَاب m

bursitisinflammation of a bursa

اِلْتِهَاب رِئَوِيّ m

pneumoniainflammation of the lungs