Angol-Norvég szótár »

-on norvégul

-on ((physics) subatomic particles)

(Bokmål) -on

-one (ketone)

(Bokmål) -on

-onym (word)

(Bokmål) -onym{n}

(Nynorsk) -onym{n}

-ness (appended to adjectives to form nouns meaning "the state of being...", "the quality of being...", or "the measure of being...")
[UK: nes]
[US: ˈnes]

-het, -skap

a chain is only as strong as its weakest link (aphorism)

(Bokmål) en kjede er aldri sterkere enn sitt svakeste leddphrase

(Nynorsk) ei kjede er aldri sterkare enn det svakaste leddphrase

ace up one's sleeve (a surprise of which others are not aware)

ess i ermetnoun

ahead of one's time (in advance of commonly accepted ideas)
[UK: ə.ˈhed əv wʌnz ˈtaɪm]
[US: ə.ˈhed əv wʌnz ˈtaɪm]

(Bokmål) forut for sin tidpreposition

(Nynorsk) forut for si tidpreposition

all hands on deck (order)

(Bokmål) alle mann på dekkinterjection

as far as one knows (to the best of my knowledge)

(Bokmål) så vidt jeg vet, så vidt meg bekjentadverb

at once (at the same time)
[UK: ət wʌns]
[US: ət ˈwəns]

på en gang, samtidigadverb

at once (immediately)
[UK: ət wʌns]
[US: ət ˈwəns]

(Bokmål) med én gang, med en gangadverb


at the top of one's voice preposition
[UK: ət ðə tɒp əv wʌnz vɔɪs]
[US: ət ðə ˈtɑːp əv wʌnz ˌvɔɪs]

(Bokmål) av full halspreposition

believe one's eyes (to believe that something which one directly sees is truly the case)

tro sine egne øyneverb

bite off more than one can chew (To try to do too much)
[UK: baɪt ɒf mɔː(r) ðæn wʌn kæn tʃuː]
[US: ˈbaɪt ˈɒf ˈmɔːr ˈðæn wʌn ˈkæn ˈtʃuː]

gape over for mye, ta seg vann over hodetverb

bite one's tongue (prevent oneself from uttering a word)

hvis du ikke har noe hyggelig å si, si ingen tingverb

blow one's nose (to expel mucus from nose)
[UK: bləʊ wʌnz nəʊz]
[US: ˈbloʊ wʌnz noʊz]

(Bokmål) snyte, snyte segverb

(Nynorsk) snyte, snyta, snyte seg, snyta segverb

born with a silver spoon in one's mouth (born rich or in a wealthy family)

(Bokmål) å være født med sølvskje i munnenadjective

burn one's bridges verb

(Bokmål) bryte alle broer, bryte alle bruerverb

(Nynorsk) bryte alle bruerverb

bury one's head in the sand (to deliberately ignore the reality of a situation)
[UK: ˈbe.ri wʌnz hed ɪn ðə sænd]
[US: ˈbe.ri wʌnz ˈhed ɪn ðə ˈsænd]

(Bokmål) stikke hodet i sanden, strutseverb

butter one's bread on both sides (profit from two things at the same time)

få i pose og sekkverb

by the skin of one's teeth (barely, closely)
[UK: baɪ ðə skɪn əv wʌnz tiːθ]
[US: baɪ ðə ˈskɪn əv wʌnz ˈtiːθ]

(Bokmål) på hengende håretpreposition

carry on (to continue, maintain or pursue an activity or enterprise (transitive), see also: continue; maintain; pursue)
[UK: ˈkæ.ri ɒn]
[US: ˈkæ.ri ɑːn]

(Bokmål) holde på, oppføre segverb

carry on verb
[UK: ˈkæ.ri ɒn]
[US: ˈkæ.ri ɑːn]

(Bokmål) fortsetteverb

change one's mind (to decide differently than one had decided before)
[UK: tʃeɪndʒ wʌnz maɪnd]
[US: ˈtʃeɪndʒ wʌnz ˈmaɪnd]

(Bokmål) skifte mening, endre oppfatning, ombestemme segverb

clear one's throat (forcibly expulsing air from one's lungs)
[UK: klɪə(r) wʌnz θrəʊt]
[US: ˈklɪr wʌnz θroʊt]

kremte, rømmeverb

conspicuous by one's absence phrase

(Bokmål) glimre ved sitt fraværphrase

corn on the cob (cooked ears of corn)

(Bokmål) maiskolbenoun

(Nynorsk) maiskolbenoun

count one's blessings verb

(Bokmål) telle sine velsignelserverb

err on the side of caution (to act in the least risky manner)

(Bokmål) ta sine forholdsregler, prekavere seg (archaic)verb

feather in one's cap (recognized accomplishment)
[UK: ˈfe.ðə(r) ɪn wʌnz kæp]
[US: ˈfe.ðər ɪn wʌnz ˈkæp]

(Bokmål) fjær i hattennoun

(Nynorsk) fjør i hattennoun

find oneself (to be in a particular state of mind)
[UK: faɪnd wʌn.ˈself]
[US: ˈfaɪnd wʌn.ˈself]

(Bokmål) befinne seg, føle segverb

find oneself (to find (something) for oneself)
[UK: faɪnd wʌn.ˈself]
[US: ˈfaɪnd wʌn.ˈself]

(Bokmål) finne segverb