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made latinul

made adjective
[UK: ˈmeɪd]
[US: ˈmeɪd]

natus [nata, natum]adjective

made / appointed by cessio (surrendering / conceding in law) adjective

cessicius [cessicia, cessicium]adjective

cessitius [cessitia, cessitium]adjective

made / built of / of baked / burned bricks adjective

coctilis [coctilis, coctile]adjective

made / covered in white adjective

albens [(gen.), albentis]adjective

made / ornamented with silver adjective

argenteus [argentea, argenteum]adjective

made / prepared ingeniously / skillfully / with art adjective

adfaber [adfabra, adfabrum]adjective

affaber [affabra, affabrum]adjective

made angular / cornered, with angles, angular adjective

angulatus [angulata, angulatum]adjective

made bald, bare adjective

calvatus [calvata, calvatum]adjective

made by Archius (cabinet maker, maker of plain / cheap couches) adjective

Archiacus [Archiaca, Archiacum]adjective

made by hand adjective
[UK: ˈmeɪd baɪ hænd]
[US: ˈmeɪd baɪ ˈhænd]

manufactus [manufacta, manufactum]adjective

made by hand (L+S) noun
[UK: ˈmeɪd baɪ hænd]
[US: ˈmeɪd baɪ ˈhænd]

chirocma [chirocmatis](3rd) N

made by sewing, consisting of things stitched together adjective

sutilis [sutilis, sutile]adjective

made drunk adjective

deebriatus [deebriata, deebriatum]adjective

made fluid, liquefied, melted adjective

colliquefactus [colliquefacta, colliquefactum]adjective

conliquefactus [conliquefacta, conliquefactum]adjective

made from / of beer adjective

cervisiarius [cervisiaria, cervisiarium]adjective

made from bark adjective

corticeus [corticea, corticeum]adjective

corticius [corticia, corticium]adjective

made from cinnamon adjective

cinnamominus [cinnamomina, cinnamominum]adjective

made-from-dregs adjective

faecatus [faecata, faecatum]adjective

made from flowers, flower- adjective

anthinus [anthina, anthinum]adjective

made from grass or fodder adjective

chortinus [chortina, chortinum]adjective

made-from-must adjective

gleucinus [gleucina, gleucinum]adjective

made from oats, oaten, oat- adjective

avenaceus [avenacea, avenaceum]adjective

made from some species of cotton plant adjective

acanthius [acanthia, acanthium]adjective

made from styrax / storax adjective

styracinus [styracina, styracinum]adjective

made from the citrus tree adjective

thyinus [thyina, thyinum]adjective

made hard / tough by use adjective

callosus [callosa -um, callosior -or -us, callosissimus -a -um]adjective

made in China (manufactured in the PRC)

factum in Sinaadjective
{n}, factuS in Sina {m}

made in form of a circle adjective

gyratus [gyrata, gyratum]adjective

made in the Punic style / manner adjective

Punicanus [Punicana, Punicanum]adjective

made into a fetus (of semen) adjective

feturatus [feturata, feturatum]adjective

foeturatus [foeturata, foeturatum]adjective

made into lye adjective

lixivus [lixiva, lixivum]adjective

made just adjective

justificatus [justificata -um, justificatior -or -us, justificatissimus -a -um]adjective

made like adjective

configuratus [configurata, configuratum]adjective

made man adjective
[UK: ˈmeɪd mæn]
[US: ˈmeɪd ˈmæn]

inhumanatus [inhumanata, inhumanatum]adjective

made near the amphitheater adjective

amphitheatricus [amphitheatrica, amphitheatricum]adjective