العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

كُوس meaning in بالإنجليزية



كُوس f


كُوسَا f

courgettea small marrow/squash

marrowkind of vegetable

كُوسَة f

courgettea small marrow/squash

كُوسُوفُو f

Kosovodisputed region in the Balkans

كُوسِيُّون m

XhosaXhosa people

كُوسْبْلَاي m

cosplaysubculture centered on dressing as characters

كُوسْتَارِيكَا f

Costa Ricaid=Q800|country

كُوسْتْرُومَا f

Kostromacity in Russia

كُوسْمُودْرُوم m

cosmodromea site for launching spacecraft

الْكُوسِيَّة f

XhosaXhosa language

الْهُولُوكُوسْت m

Holocaustthe mass murder of 11–14 million people by Nazi Germany

Holocaustthe mass murder of six million Jews by Nazi Germany

تْشِيكُوسْلُوفَاكِيَا f

Czechoslovakiaid=Q33946|former country in Central Europe

جُزُر تَرْكْس وَكَايْكُوس f-p

Turks and Caicos Islandsa British overseas territory in the Caribbean

زَاوِيَة مَعْكُوسَة

reflex angleangle greater than 180 degrees but less than 360 degrees

غُولْد كُوسْت m

Gold Coastid=Q140075|in Australia

كُوبِرْنِيكُوس m

Copernicussurname of Nicolaus Copernicus

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