العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

ذَا meaning in بالإنجليزية


thusin this way or manner

كَذَا وَكَذَا

so-and-soanything generic

such-and-suchgeneric placeholder


thusas a result


what forfor what reason; why

whyfor what reason


thereforefor that or this reason


whatwhat? (interrogative pronoun)

مَاذَا قُلْتَ؟

pardoninterjection, request to repeat

sorryrequest to repeat

مَاذَا قُلْتِ؟

pardoninterjection, request to repeat

sorryrequest to repeat

مَحَطَّة إِذَاعِيَّة f

radio stationbroadcast station emitting an audio signal

stationplace used for broadcasting

مَذَاق m

tasteone of the sensations produced by the tongue

tastingtaking of a small amount of food or drink in order to taste it

مُبَرْهَنَةُ ذَاتِ الْحَدَّيْنِ f

binomial theoremformula giving the expansion of an alegraic sum raised to any positive integer power

مُذَاكَرَات f-p

negotiationprocess of achieving agreement

مُذَاكَرَة f

conversationexpression and exchange of individual ideas through talking with other people

discussionconversation or debate

مِجْذَاف m

oarimplement used to row a boat

مِرْذَاذ m

atomizerinstrument for reducing a liquid to spray

نَظَرِيَّةُ ذَاتِ الْحَدَّيْنِ f

binomial theoremformula giving the expansion of an alegraic sum raised to any positive integer power

نِظَام غِذَائِيّ m

dietcontrolled regimen of food

نِمْرَة ذَات صَابِر أَسْنَان f

sabre-toothed tigerprehistoric cat


suchused to make a comparison with something implied by context

such aslike

thusin this way or manner


like thatin that particular manner

هُوَذَا m

beholdto see, to look at


this onea specified object

هٰذَا m

thisthe thing, item, etc. being indicated

هٰذَا الْمَسَاء

tonightduring today's evening

هٰذَانِ m

thisthe thing, item, etc. being indicated


thusas a result

يَهُوذَا m

Judahfourth son of Jacob

Judasbook of the Bible

Judasone of the Apostles

Judebook of the Bible

يَهُوذَا الاسْخَرْيُوطِيّ m

Judas Iscariotdisciple of Jesus