إنجليزي-العربية قاموس »

half-life meaning in العربية

half math: fraction



half one of two equal parts into which anything may be divided



half-moon the moon in its first or last quarter


half past "half past one" as example of usage in other languages

السَّاعَة الْوَاحِدَة وَالنِّصْف

السَّاعَة وَالنِّصْف

half-hour period

نِصْف سَاعَة

half-hourly twice an hour

كل نصف ساعة

life jacket An article of protective clothing

سُتْرَة نَجَاةf

صِدَار نَجَاةm

life expectancy the amount of time one is expected to live

مَأْمُول اَلْحَيَاةm

life sentence sentence of imprisonment for the rest of the defendant's life

حَبْس مُؤَبَّدm

حُكْم مُؤَبَّدm

سَجْن مَدَى اَلْحَيَاةm

سَجْن مُؤَبَّدm

life insurance form of insurance

تَأْمِين عَلَى اَلْحَيَاةm

life preserver buoyant ring or vest

سُتْرَةُ النَجَاةِf

سُتْرَةُ نَجَاةٍf

طَوْفُ النَجَاةِf

طَوْفُ نَجَاةٍf

meaning of life hypothetical answer to life’s ultimate questions

مَعْنَى اَلْحَيَاةm

quality of life general well-being of individuals and societies

جَوْدَة الْحَيَاةf

way of life style of living


طَرِيقَة فِي حَيَاةf

نَمَط حَيَاةm

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