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choughs meaning in English

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choughs is the inflected form of chough.

chough [choughs] noun
[UK: tʃʌf]
[US: tʃʌf]

havasi varjú (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax)◼◼◼főnév

Alpine chough [Alpine choughs] noun
[UK: ˈæl.paɪn tʃʌf]
[US: ˈæl.ˌpaɪn tʃʌf]

havasi csóka (Pyrrhocorax graculus)◼◼◼főnév

red-billed chough [red-billed choughs] noun
[UK: rɛd bɪld ʧʌf ]
[US: rɛd bɪld chough ]

vöröscsőrű csóka (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax)főnév